Telegram function

Telegram function – view search results in list form


Searching through your saved items can be a bit of a drag. If you have a lot of them, it’s hard to find exactly what you’re looking for. That’s why we created the Telegram(Telegram中文下载) function – view search results in list form! It makes searching for things on your lists easier than ever before.

Open the function

To open the function:

-Tap the search icon in your top right corner.

-Tap some more.

To close it, tap the search icon again.

If you’re looking for something specific, tap the search bar at the top of your screen. Type in a few words that describe what you’re looking for. Tap Search when you’re done.

Create a list

The first step in creating a list is to click the “Create” button in the top right corner of your screen. This will bring up a form that allows you to name your list. You can also add an optional description for that list if you want. The next step is adding items, which is done by clicking on the “+” icon at the bottom of your screen and selecting what you want to be added from there.

Once you’ve created or edited a list, it will appear under “My Lists.” You can scroll through them and edit each one as needed at any time by clicking on it in this menu:

Add a suggestion

-Click on the plus sign in the upper right corner to open up a new suggestion.

-Enter the name of your suggestion in the first field, then enter a description and price (if applicable).

-Select a category from the dropdown menu, then specify how many items you have available for sale.

Once you’ve finished filling out the form, click on “Submit a new suggestion.” The item will be reviewed by Amazon’s administrators and added to their database if it passes muster.

Search for an item on the list

To search for an item on the list:

Type a word or phrase into the search box.

Click on the Search button to search your Telegram(Telegram中文版) database for matching words and phrases. The results will be displayed in a list below, along with their corresponding number of matches, as well as any relevant information associated with them (if available).

You can click on any item in this list to view its full details

Click on an item to view its full details

When you click on an item, the details of that specific search result will be displayed. This can include comments from other users, stickers, and photos. You can also add your comment or sticker to this item and delete it if necessary.

In addition, the app allows you to add stickers and photos of your own. If you’re too lazy to make stickers or don’t have any pictures of yourself at hand, there are also plenty of free stickers available that you can use in your post.

You can search through items in a list

To search through a list, you can use the search bar at the top of a list or click on an item to view its full details.

Once you’ve entered your query and clicked Search, your results will appear in a new tab. You can then click on any item in the list to view its full details if needed.

To sum up

We have created the Telegrams List Search, which can be used to view all search results in a list format instead of just one page. This will help you to review all your search results quickly and easily.

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